Your Physical Copy of the Investor Database Book: A Guide to Working with & Raising Capital From Family Offices is on its way
Thank you for your interest in the Investor Database. Your Family Office Capital Raising Kit has just been emailed to you and you should be receiving your physical copy of the Investor Database: A Guide to Working with & Raising Capital From Family Offices within 7 business days.
But Wait There’s More:
As an added bonus, we have included the Building a Family Office Network Webinar on this page.
This webinar focused on building a family office network. At our quarterly Family Office Workshops and in many meetings, our team finds that professionals are often looking to build their family office network but do not know where to start. Family offices are unlike any other client you will serve. Too often, bankers, lawyers, advisers and other professionals treat family offices like all their other clients and end up losing business because they ignore the unique qualities that distinguish family offices. If you are looking to build a network of family office relationships, you may be wondering how you can approach these families in an appropriate way. At our quarterly Family Office Workshops and in many meetings, our team finds that professionals are often looking to build their family office network but do not know where to start.
If you are interested in building a family office network, the Investor Database is the best way to grow your network. To get the contact details for over 3,000 family office professionals at over 1,000 family offices, click here.