The Investor Database offers a collection of inclusive contact details for a combined 1, 347 family offices from around the globe within our Single Family Office Directory (268 Offices), and our Multi-Family Office Directory (1,079 Offices). These inclusive contact details include the following information when available.
-Name of Family Office
-AUM (for over 45% of the offices)
-3,000 Rows of Data – An Average of 3 Contacts Per Office (Over 60,000 cells of data)
-Contacts’ Associated Job Titles
-Contact Phone Number & Email Address
-Phone Number, Fax Number, & Email Address of Family Office (All 3 are present for 96%+ of listings)
-Family Office Address That Can be Sorted by Country, City, State, or Zip Code
-Investments/Area of Interest (for 60% of the offices)
-Company History & Notes
-Website URL of the Family Office
-LinkedIn Profile Information for 95% of the Contacts Within the Database